Oriental medicine is thousands of years old and has the ability to prevent and treat many types of ailments. Depending upon your health condition needs, a medical treatment may consist of a combination of acupuncture, cupping, medical massage, moxibustion, liniments and herbs to effectively treat the condition.
Here are a few examples of what Lowcountry Acupuncture has successfully treated:
Pain: Headache/Migraine, TMJ, Joint or Muscle pain (Neck & Shoulder, Back, Knee, Foot, Elbow), Injuries, Carpal Tunnel, Sciatica, Fibromyalgia
Respiratory Issues: Allergies, Asthma, Cold and Flu symptoms, Immune support
Sleep disorders and Fatigue
Digestive Disorders: Cramping, Loose or Slow bowel movements, Discomfort after eating
Neurology: Impaired gait, Bell's Palsy, Neuropathy, Tremors, Numbness & Tingling
Gynecology: Infertility, Irregular Menstrual Cycle, PMS, Peri/Menopausal symptoms
Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery: Health support for mom and in utero infant(s), Labor induction for late pregnancy, Post-delivery care
Pediatrics: Attention Difficulties (ADD/ADHD), Ear issues, Digestion, Sleep disorders
Mental Health: Anxiety, Stress, Panic Attacks, PTSD, Depression, Grief, Addictions
Dermatology: Psoriasis, Eczema, Rosacea, Acne, Shingles